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System Overview

A general overview of LendingPad system including common screens and use cases.


Frequent asked questions listed with general troubleshooting tips and how-to articles.

Forms and Disclosures

The LP doc library provides compliant disclosures and the document management system gives users the ability to manage documents in a loan file.

User Roles

Articles specific to LendingPad's user roles and frequent asked topics.

Point of Sale

A convenient module for loan officers to collect application information from borrowers and their associated documents.


ComplyIO automated compliance engine runs compliance checks across federal, state, and agency regulations.


LendingPad Marketplace vendors' configuration articles and how-to connect guides.

Processing Edition

Designed for 3rd-party contract processors for brokers and lenders on the LendingPad platform.

Product Release

LendingPad's latest monthly product release updates for clients.