This article will explain how to solve common credit report errors within LendingPad
Step-by-step guide
The guide below will walk you through the steps of correcting the credit report error: "Login Failed"
Step-by-step guide
The guide below will walk you through the steps to update the "Applicant Type" within your loan file.
In order to pull or reissue credit, the "Applicant Type" in the Borrower section of the loan MUST be listed as "Borrower", not "Co Signer". Here are some examples of errors you may receive in the system if the "Applicant Type" is Co Signer":- Missing Primary Applicant information
- Request data does not match existing file data.
- Invalid Borrower SSN
Step-by-step guide
The guide below will walk you through the steps to update the borrower(s) current address.
The borrower's current address MUST be completed in it's entirety and CANNOT include accents or apostrophes over any of the characters.
Please find a list below of some additional common credit report errors:
Error: Permission Denied
Possible Solution: If you are attempting to reissue a softpull, ensure the "Request Type" in your loan file is "Re-issue Existing SoftCheck Report"
Error: Invalid Client Identifier
Solution: Most often it is credentials related. Users must reach out to their credit vendor.
Error: Unable to complete request at this time
Possible Solution: User would have to reach out their credit vendor to assist with this error.
Error: User action settings are not provided
Possible Solutions:
- There are no credentials entered in the user's profile.
- Users may also see this error if running AUS and the user was not the user who pulled credit.
Error: Error Other Error
Possible Solution: The credit report may still have been pulled on the credit vendor side. Please reach out to the credit vendor to confirm this and if confirmed use the reference ID to re-issue that report into the file. Be sure to confirm any re-issue fees with your credit vendor
Error: Demographics have changed from previous submission
Possible Solutions:
- Original Report was pulled for joint borrowers and borrowers are not marked "joint" in LendingPad
- Applicant Type is not set to borrower
- Missing current address for borrower
- Ensure SSN and names match exactly as originally submitted through credit vendor