If your credit report has inaccuracies or you wish to apply an extenuating circumstance regarding waiting periods for foreclosure or bankruptcy, please see the following step by step instructions:
Bankruptcy on credit report inaccurate:
- Go to loan application > Declarations > Edit
- On Question M, set the toggle on. Then in the explanation box to the right, enter the phrase Confirmed CR BK Incorrect
- Save changes and re-run DO/DU
Foreclosure on credit report inaccurate:
- Go to loan application > Declarations > Edit
- On Question L, set the toggle on. Then in the explanation box to the right, enter the phrase Confirmed CR FC Incorrect
- Save changes and re-run DO/DU
Mortgage tradeline on credit report shows inaccurate delinquency:
- Go to loan application > Declarations > Edit
- On Question H, in the explanation box to the right, enter the phrase Confirmed Mtg Del Incorrect
- Save changes and re-run DO/DU
Using extenuating circumstance involving a Bankruptcy:
- Go to loan application > Declarations > Edit
- On Question M, set the toggle on. Then in the explanation box to the right, enter the phrase Confirmed CR BK EC
- Save changes and re-run DO/DU
Using extenuating circumstance involving a Foreclosure:
- Go to loan application > Declarations > Edit
- On Question L, set the toggle on. Then in the explanation box to the right, enter the phrase Confirmed CR FC EC
- Save changes and re-run DO/DU