Troubleshooting tips for Permission Denied error when running or re-issuing a credit report.
Unfortunately, this is a vague error, and sometimes, these tips may not be the answer. We recommend reaching out to your credit vendor to inquire about the issue, as they are providing us with the returned error.
- Are you re-issuing a soft pull?
- When performing the action of re-issue be sure to choose re-issue "Existing SoftCheck Report" from the Request Type drop-down.
- When performing the action of re-issue be sure to choose re-issue "Existing SoftCheck Report" from the Request Type drop-down.
- Are you the LO that initially pulled the report?
- If yes, please check your credentials in your profile > edit profile > actions tab.
- If correct, please reach out to the credit vendor as they need to help troubleshoot the error.
- If No, the LO who originally pulled the report must reissue it unless the LO wishes to have the impersonation feature turned on. Please take a look at this KB about impersonation.
- If yes, please check your credentials in your profile > edit profile > actions tab.