Product Release 2024
Thank you for using LendingPad! Here are the highlights of all recent system updates in 2024.
Starting in April 2024, all updates are listed in the Notification center inside of the application. Please check there.
March 2024
- Cost Details: Pre-paid interest will show a permanent check mark for the APR box. This will provide continuity and confirmation that the Pre-paid interest is being included in the APR.
- POS: Verbiage updated on the sign-up page. I agree to "Lender's" (lenders was replaced with company name) Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
- Call Report: V6 released. Very minimal changes and no change to functionality on the loan level. NMLS call report KB
- User Profile: A Reset and Reload option has been added to users' profiles to quickly clear cache to improve speed and reduce latency.
- User Licenses: The export report button has been added to the Settings > User Licenses section. Admins can utilize this report to quickly analyze states and expiration dates per LO.
- Secondary: None lock status will now erase lock data within the Secondary > Buy side. This will allow users to request a fresh lock through their PPE. This also helps eliminate errors with doc vendors and locked LEs.
- THO and NTS: These applicant types now support the ability to enter a current address in the Loan Application > Addresses.
- HMDA Report: HMDA action date will now appear on HMDA report. This will allow loans that do not make it to Application Taken to be reported on.
- Print Forms: Improved functionality. See this KB article
- Manage Company: The headquarters address section has been added to Settings > Manage Company (top right) Contacts and Addresses tab. This is informational for ComplyIO and will not dynamically update when addresses are updated in the Branches or DBA section.
February 2024
- MFA: Defaulted to SMS
- CD: Seller Paid and paid by others now supported on the CD
- SPL: Form 61 now supports multiple state and loan-level structures. KB article
January 2024
- Title: Orchard Street Settlements via Title Integration.
- MCR report: HELOC will now filter to Conventional group to align with NMLS requirements
- Inline Edits: Please see this KB Article for inline edits.
- Summary bar: DTI, LTV, etc is back with real-time calculations within the terms and mortgage edit mode.