Security token error in Compliance Ease

Please see the below from Compliance Ease on steps to navigate through token error. For further assistance, please reach out to Compliance Ease.

Is this regarding an error with the system user ID used for integration purposes? I see (as of today) the password is expired. If you are receiving a security token error when trying to run loans in your LOS, you will need to reset the password.

For system users we only recommend the “Can access application through web-services integration” to be enabled under the General Permissions section. That way, the system user will not have access to ComplianceAnalyzer via the web portal and will only access ComplianceAnalyzer through the integration, and the password will expire every 365 days instead of every 90 days (unless you intend for the system user password to expire every 90 days instead of every 365 days).


To ensure that the system password is set to expire in 365 days, please enable only the user permissions shown in the screenshot below.

Please log in using your administrator user ID, edit the system user’s User Permissions, and then update the password.


Once you update the User Permissions for the system user to reflect the 3 permissions below, update the password and then provide that updated password to your LOS. It is important to update the permissions before the password is changed to ensure the system user ID password will be set to update every 365 days vs every 90 days.


Our system shows that the password is expired as of today, and the permission “Can modify own user profile and access web browser-based application” is still assigned to your system user ID. This permission will need to be removed before the password is changed to reset the password expiration to 365 days. Once the permissions are updated and the password is changed and the new password is updated in your LOS, you should not encounter any further issues.