1. LendingPad
  2. System Overview


The Settings screen is used to modify the default fees, escrow types, and rates that are used for loan calculations.

This screen also displays and can be used to modify company information that is added to loan paperwork, including the company logo, email address, phone number, address, and website.

To access the Settings screen, click the Settings menu item at the top of the loan.

Note: The Settings options available on this screen can depend on your role.

Company Section

The Company section displays company details, such as the primary email address and phone number.

Company Section Actions

  • Click the company email address to compose a new email to the address using your default email program.

  • Click the company phone number to call the number using your default voice program.

  • Click the  (Call with Dialpad) icon to call the number using Dialpad.

  • Click the company address to display the location of the company using Google Maps in a separate browser tab.

To modify company information, click the Manage Company button at the top of the screen. The Manage Company screen displays, where you can edit a variety of details, including the following:

  • General information, such as the home page site, theme color, time zone, and identifiers for third parties

  • Retail and wholesale contact and address information

  • License information, such as license numbers for different states or federal license numbers

  • Contact information for different retail and wholesale departments, such as Accounting or Customer Service

  • Logos used for the system and logos used for retail and wholesale documents and notifications

  • Retail and wholesale payee information for different loan types, such as FHA loans or VA loans

Settings Options

Click a Settings option to access the corresponding screen where details for the setting can be modified.

  • Fee and Escrow Types. Define the default fees and escrow types used for retail and wholesale loans. Within each loan category, you can define amounts for a specific charge or fee by clicking the (Manage Fee Type) icon. You can also create new fees and escrow types as well as add fees and escrow types.

  • Programs. Define loan programs for both retail and wholesale loans. Within each loan category, you can define program details, such as the types of loans to which the program should be applicable, default late charges, and adjustable rates. You can also copy existing programs or create new programs.

  • User Roles. Define user roles, which can then be used to define permissions such as the Dashboard modules or reports employees assigned to certain roles can view. To modify a role, including the types of actions the role can perform or the type of information the role can view, click the  (Manage User Role) icon. You can also create new user roles or deactivate or delete user roles.

  • Users. Review existing users in the system or invite new users to the system. You can also resend invitation emails if needed. Details for each user display, such as the user's email address and the date and time at which the user was registered. The roles assigned to the user also displayed. To modify information for a user, such as phone numbers, email signatures, and associated branches, campaigns, and brokers, click the  (Manage User) icon.

  • User Licenses. Manage user licenses, such as the state in which a user is licensed and the dates on which licenses expire. You can also add user licenses and view the number of licenses that have expired for each user. To modify license information for a user, click the  (Manage Licenses) icon.

  • Branches. View and modify branch information for the system, as well as add a new branch if needed. To modify details for a branch, click the  (Manage Branch) icon. You can then modify details such as the address for the branch, whether branch licensing should be enforced, branch members, and compensation amounts.

  • Actions. View and modify a list of third-party providers that are used for specific actions, such as running credit reports or providing pricing information. To view or edit contacts for each action, click the  (Manage Action) icon. You can then activate or deactivate an action or an associated third party.

  • Lead Providers. Set up third-party lead providers as well as associate campaigns with each lead provider. For each lead provider, you can enable or disable the ability to import leads from or manually create leads for the provider. In addition, you can add new lead providers and new campaigns, as well as add members to the campaigns associated with a lead provider.

  • Loan Document Types. Create and manage loan document types. To modify a loan document type, click the (Manage Loan Document Type) icon. You can then modify general information for the document, such as the category and life days, as well as define the user roles that can view or manage documents of that type.

  • Rates. View rates for third-party loan providers, as well as current rates for different types of loans. This option can also be used to import rate files.

  • Secondary Lock Desk. Manage secondary policies for retail and wholesale lenders. For each loan type, you can modify details such as the company margin, whether auto re-pricing is enabled, and the maximum allowed lock extension days for lock extensions.

  • Wholesale. Define various wholesale loan settings, such as loan document types, rates, guidelines, and contacts used specifically for wholesale loans.

  • Brokers. Modify broker information, such as the loan types available for each broker and the compensation amounts for each broker.